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The starter is alive, and contains a variety of yeasts and other microorganisms. Every kitchen in which the bag has been opened allows it to pick up additional character. Periodically, it must be fed equal parts of sugar, unbleached flour, and milk. If you are wanting to build starter and use it frequently, add a cup of each every few days and keep it in a warm place. If you are only wanting to keep it healthy, ½ cup of each is enough, then keep it in a cooler location. The warmer you keep the bag, the faster it will grow and the more often you will need to feed it. You can put it in the refrigerator to slow it down and it can be frozen for several months at a time.
After feeding your starter, be sure and mush the bag around to mix everything. As it grows, it will create CO2 bubbles and inflate the bag. Be sure to burp the bag, letting out most of the extra air so the bag won't burst. If you're going to be gone for several days, you will want to put the starter in the refrigerator or freezer.
Most recipes call for one cup of starter. Simply measure out one cup of the starter from the bag. You can remove several starts from a large bag of starter at the same time. As long as you have about one cup left, you have plenty of the starter to make more. Just feed it afterwards and give it a few days.
Measure out one cup of starter and place in a sturdy zip top plastic bag. Then give to a friend and refer them to our website.